Wednesday, June 27, 2012

So Now As I'm Leavin' / I'm Weary As Hell

sixteen days work
today hours thirteen
almost too much
when all around me
are passing
their insides
their hearts
their bodies
the flies have come
living among
the corners
i call home
this whole town
and i tell the foreman
i've got about
this much
left in me
and the foreman
he says
hold it
nearly there
and i believe
believe he knows
believe he cares
believe he is
the sole voice
can pull me through
and apron i pull on
of camarada
numero uno
of pinche guey
oxen yoked
of pulling through
till leventh hour struck
and we are arrived
pulled through
and despite
all signs
all sighs
all sigils
till demon cars
carry home
dodge and weave
horns in time
to pop song
dance anthem
take the turn
onto road home
to be stopped
and stopped
by dancing in street
in time
to pop song
dance anthem
kids drunk
kids high
kids both
kids neither
a fuck about traffic
not giv'n
but only
ass shakin
dance breakin
in street middle
fuck all
and else
you know
home is never
and don't matter
how much
for wanting
a neverthing
had nor found
but home
you are
and nothing
but poem
shit comes
brooklyn sun rising
new day
still alive
and breathing
exhausted tired
not sleeping
motor running
highest gear
here i am
pale skinlight shining
smoking drinking
waiting hoping
nothing doing
stamps on table writing
for only checks renting
never writing
not exactly liking
who i am having

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